Sales/Customer Success Hand-off

Have a clear understanding of your client needs and expectations using Vitally's template

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Jamie Davidson
Co-founder & CEO

Customer Account Information: 

Company Name: 


Company Size:

Contract Sign Date:

Contract Length:

Customer Team Information:

First touch: 

Most engaged user:

Buying Decision Maker:

Team who will be using the product the most:

Internal Team Information:

Customer Success Manager:

Sales Team Member:

Other Key Stakeholders & Their Roles:

Customer High Level Goals

What is the main business objective of the customer? How do they generate revenue?

Why Our Solution?

What challenges or pain points does our product solve for the customer? What benefits or features are they most interested in?

Is the customer migrating from a competitor? Why?

Defining Success (Customer)

How will the customer determine if our product is helping them meet their business goals? 

Defining Success (Internally)

What key metrics will we use to make sure the customer is healthy and we are successful? 

Some suggestions (find this information in Vitally):

NPS Score

Health Score

Average MRR/ARR

Number of Users

Product Usage

Product Setup

Work & Communication Style

What is the customer's ideal working relationship? What is the best way to contact them?

Growth Opportunities

How can we tailor the product or experience to better suit the customer? What features do we want to encourage the customer to use based on their business goals?

Red Flags & Risks

Were there any hesitations or hiccups encountered during the sales process? How can we ensure these don’t happen during and after the customer handoff?

Next Steps for Team

What do we need to do next to keep the customer healthy? List all actionable steps and the team member responsible for each one.

Next Steps for Customer

What are the next steps for the customer? Is any training required? More feature implementation?

Other Important Notes

Is there any other information worth sharing?

Note Actions

Add Vitally for the suggested metrics

How to use this template

In relay races, defining moments don't occur at the finish line; they happen when the baton gets passed from one runner to the next. This is no different in business. The Sales to CS handoff defines the experience your customer will have with the product.

This customer transition can be tricky because it requires seamless alignment between your Sales & CS teams. By giving your team a clear understanding of the client, this meeting note template doesn't just let you set expectations; it lets you set a new standard for customer experience. It's a win-win situation for everybody involved.

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