One-on-One: Coaching Mentoring 1:1

Help employees grow and develop with a meeting agenda geared to coaching and mentoring

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Outline the objectives of the session.


Review actions and learning from or since the last session (if applicable).

Questions or Issues

What questions or issues keep coming up? Figure out what to do to avoid—or mitigate the impact of—persistent issues.

Future Planning

What do you need to do to continue growing and discovering? i.e. developing skills, changing your approach, etc.

Mentor/Mentee Feedback 

What can we do to make these sessions more valuable? Provide feedback both ways, mentee to mentor and mentor to mentee. 


When is our next one-on-one check-in? Summarize any action items arising from the one-on-one.

How to use this template

As organizations strive for innovation and growth, nurturing talent and fostering professional development have become integral components of achieving success. Coaching and mentorship provide invaluable guidance, support, and opportunities for skill enhancement by empowering individuals to reach their full potential. The efficacy of coaching and mentorship hinges on more than just occasional advice or informal guidance. A structured approach is essential to ensure consistency, relevance, and measurable outcomes. Without a clear framework, efforts may lack direction, leading to missed opportunities for growth and development. 

Recognizing the need for structure, team leaders often find themselves grappling with the challenge of implementing effective coaching and mentorship programs. Developing customized plans tailored to the unique needs of each individual can be time-consuming and resource-intensive, presenting a significant obstacle for busy leaders striving to maximize team performance.

Leveraging a coaching-mentorship template provides a ready-made framework for structured guidance and support. By streamlining the process and offering a customizable roadmap, coaching mentorship templates empower leaders to focus their efforts on nurturing talent and driving results, unlocking the full potential of their teams. 

Key sections of a Coaching 1-1 meeting

There are several key sections of a coaching- mentorship template, each serving a unique purpose, ensuring the mentorship, or coaching session is productive and meaningful for both the coach and individual being coached. 


  1. Agenda Review 

Every solid coaching-mentorship template will encompass a section to review the meeting agenda. This will provide both parties with the opportunity to familiarize themselves with talking points and prepare for the meeting. This is also a great time to foster collaboration by encouraging both parties to contribute to the meeting agenda. Remember, it's never too late to add a new section or talking point! 


Fellow’s easy-to-use agenda builder ensures that your meetings start with clarity, and everyone feels inspired to contribute and you can use one of Fellow’s pre-built templates to save time and spark ideas for your next meeting. If you already have a favorite way to run your meetings, you can build your own template, save it for later, and ditch the stress of creating an agenda from scratch! Get started today

  1. Goal Progress Review 

Before diving into the coaching-mentorship template, it's important to first review past performance. This means taking the time to dive into goals and objectives that were previously agreed upon and measuring success. During this time, both parties may discuss successes, challenges, bottlenecks, or challenges that may be preventing them reaching their goals. The mentor or coach can use this section to provide support and suggest strategies for improvement. 

  1. Feedback and Reflection 

Now that you’ve reviewed your goals and discussed progress, it's time to dive into the details. This section of the coaching-mentorship template is where the mentor will provide the mentee with constructive feedback on performance or behaviour. It's important that the mentor takes this time to encourage reflection on both achievements and areas for improvement. 

  1. Development Planning 

No coaching-mentorship program is complete without development planning. This section of the coaching-mentorship template is where the mentor and the mentee will collaborate on creating or refining a development plan. The development plan should identify specific actions, timelines, and resources that are needed to support growth and skill development. It's important that both parties are aligned and on the same page when collaborating on a development plan. The mentee's goals and objectives must be considered. 

  1. Skill Development 

Now that development planning is taken care of, it's time for the skill development section of the coaching- mentorship template. Allocating time for skill-building activities or discussions is a crucial component of every coaching-mentorship program. This may include sharing resources, facilitating training programs, sharing expertise, practicing new techniques, or discussing strategies for improvement. 

  1. Obstacles and Solutions 

When seeking coaching or mentorship opportunities, it's often because individuals are striving to overcome obstacles, or level up. This section of the coaching-mentorship template is where the mentor will guide the mentee through any challenges or obstacles by addressing obstacles or barriers that may be hindering their progress. This time can be used to brainstorm potential solutions and strategies to overcome challenges and level up. Challenges that may be covered during these conversations may include seeking a promotion, learning to become a better leader, or refining time management skills. 

  1. Action Items 

No good coaching-mentorship framework is complete without an action items section! To ensure your coaching or mentorship session is impactful, it must be actionable. This section of the coaching-mentorship framework is where the mentor and the mentee will summarize key takeaways and actions items from the meeting and clarify responsibilities and timelines for follow-up tasks.

With Fellow, you can have one source of truth for every meeting, boost transparency and accountability, and never forget what was discussed. Fellow is the only meeting productivity solution that supports every stage of your meeting workflow from preparation to participation and follow up. With Fellow, you can assign, organize, and prioritize all your meeting action items in one place. Get started today

  1. Closing Remarks and Motivation 

End the meeting on a positive note, reinforcing commitment to personal and professional growth. Provide encouragement and support to maintain momentum until the next session.

Best Practices for Coaching Meeting 

  • Set SMART goals
  • Respect confidentiality 
  • Practice active listening 
  • Foster a growth mindset 
  • Encourage self-reflection 
  • Establish clear objectives 
  • Promote networking and support 
  • Explore development opportunities  

Why this One-on-One: Coaching Mentoring Template is better in Fellow

Are you gearing up for your next coaching or mentorship session? With Fellow, getting started with meeting agenda templates is as simple as choosing from one of hundreds of pre-built templates complete with recommended talking points, tweaking it with custom headers and talking points, and bringing it to life during your next meeting! With Fellow, you can have one source of truth for every meeting, making it possible to boost transparency and accountability, and never forget what was discussed. Fellow’s meeting agenda templates are a great way to apply instant structure to your meeting notes, making it possible for you to connect and engage in every conversation without having to worry about administrative duties. 


With this template in Fellow, you can use the AI-suggested talking points feature that helps prepare for discussions by taking cues from meeting titles, meeting descriptions, previous meeting notes, and attendees to suggest relevant meeting structures with topics and talking points so your meetings are set up for success. Unlock the potential of templates in Fellow, the all-in-one meeting management platform for fewer, smarter meetings. Use this template and Fellow’s 50+ integrations!


Coaching FAQs

  1. How do I establish a coaching relationship with my mentee? 

To establish a coaching relationship with your mentee, start by fostering trust and rapport through open communication and active listening. Clearly define expectations, goals, and boundaries to ensure mutual understanding and commitment to the coaching process. Regular check-ins and feedback sessions can help maintain the connection and track progress effectively.


  1. How do I navigate challenging conversations with my mentee? 

When navigating challenging conversations with your mentee, approach the situation with empathy, respect, and professionalism. Create a safe and supportive environment for dialogue, allowing your mentee to express their thoughts and feelings openly. Focus on active listening, asking probing questions, and finding collaborative solutions to address concerns or issues constructively.


  1. What role should I play in my mentee's career development journey? 

In your mentee's career development journey, your role as a mentor is to provide guidance, support, and opportunities for growth. Help your mentee identify their strengths, interests, and career goals, and assist them in creating a strategic plan for advancement. Offer advice on skill development, networking, and professional opportunities to empower your mentee to make informed decisions and achieve their aspirations.


  1. How can I help my mentee develop resilience to cope with setbacks or challenges? 

To help your mentee develop resilience to cope with setbacks or challenges, encourage a growth mindset and positive self-talk. Provide emotional support and validation while helping them reframe setbacks as learning experiences. Offer practical strategies for problem-solving, stress management, and self-care to build resilience and foster adaptability in the face of adversity.


  1. What coaching techniques or strategies can I use to effectively support my mentees development? 

In supporting your mentee's development, utilize a variety of coaching techniques and strategies tailored to their individual needs and learning preferences. These may include active listening, asking powerful questions, providing constructive feedback, goal setting, and action planning. Foster a strengths-based approach, celebrate achievements, and continuously challenge your mentee to reach their full potential.

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