One-on-One: Remote Employee 1:1

Productive one-on-one meeting agenda template designed with remote team members in mind

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Warm up

Start with a light, open-ended question. What’s been keeping you busy?

Highlight Achievements

What milestones have we hit since our last check-in? Note progress on important initiatives and emphasize takeaways.

Problem Solving

What’s stopping you from being more productive? How can management help you be more productive? 

Plan to remove specific inefficiencies or roadblocks. Create action items.

Two-Way Evaluation and Feedback

What are we doing well? What can we do better? Discuss ways to create value for manager, employee, and the organization.

Open Discussion

Provide space for open discussion. What’s got you excited? Worried? Annoyed?


When is our next one-on-one check-in? Summarize any action items arising from the one-on-one.

Action items:

How to use this template

Out of sight, out of mind might be a nice way to think about stuffing loose paper into a drawer, but it doesn’t work if you want to effectively manage remote employees. Remote employees benefit from regular one-on-ones just as much (if not more) than your on-site reports. So these meetings are critical.

Of course, holding the meeting is only half the battle—you also must make sure you’re structuring the discussion so it’s as valuable as possible. To help you do that, we’ve created this agenda to give your direct reports and yourself a space to share feedback, eliminate roadblocks, and build rapport.

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