Remote All Hands Meeting

See how Trello uses Town Hall meetings to engage, inform and celebrate employees

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Using templates in Fellow enables you to collaboratively prepare and edit notes, create tasks, and integrate with 50+ apps

Brian Cervino
Product Marketing Senior Team Lead


For Town Halls, access the meeting via a video chat. This is a powerful way of creating a shared experience across the entire company, wherever they are. 

Department Updates

Town Halls are a great way to hear about what different teams and departments are working on by setting up demos, or sharing statistics with the entire company. In the absence of in person communication day today, it’s easy to run into the trap of different teams feeling siloed and out of the loop. It is also a good time for management and executives to reiterate the bigger picture in terms of company priorities.

Solidifying Company Culture

The first card read aloud is called Town Hall Announcements. The 10 items in the checklist on this card are akin to the “10 commandments” for the company. These state the core philosophies of the company and the company culture.  At the beginning of each Town Hall, someone reads these 10 principles out loud so that they are reiterated to the entire company. We always have a new hire read the list so that they become familiar with these philosophies. 

An Open Platform For The People

The goal of a Town Hall is to have a transparent company wide meeting with an open forum for any employee to be able to ask questions, voice concerns, celebrate great contributions, or update the company on their work.

Anyone can add a card to Announcements/Questions with the goal of addressing every single card on the list during the town hall. If you add a card to the list, add yourself to the card so that the meeting moderator can call on you when your card comes up.

Celebrate Successes

Town Hall meetings are not all business. The meetings are a rare opportunity when the entire team is together, which is especially novel in distributed companies. Take the time to build your employees up by establishing fun traditions and finding different ways to celebrate successes.

Easy Access Meeting Minutes

Of course, once a town hall is done this doesn’t mean it should be forgotten. Meeting Minutes from the Town Hall should be easily accessed by all employees after the meeting is over.

How to use this template

Town hall meetings provide organizations with a unique opportunity for leaders to connect with their teams, share updates, and gather feedback in an open and transparent manner. By providing a platform for two-way communication, town hall meetings empower employees to voice their opinions, ask questions, and contribute ideas, fostering a sense of ownership and belonging. Despite the importance of town hall meetings, it can be challenging for team leaders to generate engaging ideas to keep participants interested and motivated. From selecting relevant topics to designing interactive formats that encourage participation, team leaders must overcome countless challenges to ensure that town hall meetings remain impactful and meaningful. Town hall meetings serve as crucial platforms for team leaders to address organizational challenges, celebrate successes, and reinforce shared values and goals and leveraging this town hall meeting template will ensure every meeting goes off without a hitch. 


Setting the Stage for a Successful Town Hall Meeting

Town Hall meetings provide leadership with a forum to foster transparency, making it possible to share crucial updates and disseminate information with ease. Additionally, these gatherings can be used to answer questions, and create a single source of truth by facilitating two-way communication and providing employees with a direct line to leadership. To ensure your town hall meeting runs smoothly, planning and preparation are key. By prioritizing thoughtful planning, thorough preparation, and strategic decision-making regarding format and frequency, team leaders can set the stage for engaging and impactful town hall meetings that foster collaboration, drive alignment, and enhance employee morale within their organizations.


Running an Engaging Town Hall Meeting

  1. Create and follow a meeting agenda 

Town hall meetings typically involve a diverse range of topics, presentations, and discussions, making it essential to have a roadmap to guide the flow of the meeting. A comprehensive meeting agenda will outline key topics, the order in which they will be discussed, and the time allocated to each item, ensuring that the meeting stays organized and on schedule.  


  1. Use a meeting template 

Templates help ensure consistency and efficiency by outlining key components of town hall meetings including the agenda, presentation materials, and logistical details. By having a predefined template, organizers can streamline the planning process, save time, and reduce the risk of overlooking important elements. Additionally, templates help maintain coherence and clarity throughout the meeting, ensuring that all necessary topics are covered.


  1. Invite only the necessary attendees

Inviting only key stakeholders ensures that the right voices are heard, and decisions can be made efficiently, without unnecessary delays or disagreements. Additionally, having a smaller, more targeted audience fosters a sense of ownership and accountability among participants, as they recognize their role in contributing to meaningful discussions and outcomes.


  1. Encourage attendees to review the agenda ahead of time 

Reviewing the meeting agenda prior to town hall enables attendees to prepare appropriately, engage actively, and contribute meaningfully to the discussion. By familiarizing themselves with the agenda topics and schedule, participants can anticipate what will be discussed, gather relevant information or data, and formulate questions or comments in advance. This ensures that attendees are well-informed and ready to participate constructively, maximizing the value of the meeting for both themselves and the organization.


  1. Start and end on time

Starting and ending town hall meetings on time demonstrates respect for participants' time and commitments, fostering a culture of punctuality and professionalism within the organization. By adhering to the scheduled start time, organizers signal the importance of the meeting and set expectations for prompt attendance. Additionally, ending the meeting on time allows attendees to plan their schedules accordingly and ensures that they can fulfill their other responsibilities without unnecessary delays. 


  1. Take note of key information and decisions 

Note-taking and documentation during town hall meetings promote clarity, accountability, and alignment, contributing to the overall success and effectiveness of the meeting. Clear documentation also promotes transparency and accountability by assigning responsibility for action items and deadlines, facilitating effective follow-up and implementation.


  1. End with clear action items 

One of the most important elements of facilitating an effective town hall meeting is ending the meeting with clear action items. Action items will help keep you and your teammates organized and on track by following a framework that encompasses action items, deadlines, and project specific details. If the meeting ends and there are no action items in place, meeting attendees may not know how to proceed.


  1. Rotate meeting roles

To run an effective town hall meeting, you must have an organized host, an efficient note-taker, and a detail-oriented timekeeper. Providing meeting attendees with the opportunity to play a large role within the meeting will not only keep everyone in attendance engaged, but it will also teach them important leadership skills, like running a meeting. 


Why this Townhall Meeting Template is better in Fellow

With Fellow, getting started with meeting agenda templates is as simple as choosing from one of hundreds of pre-built templates complete with recommended talking points, tweaking it with custom headers and talking points, and bringing it to life during your next meeting! Town hall meeting templates allow users to know what everyone will be discussing before the meeting starts as talking points can be added before and during the meeting. During the meeting, you can leverage live reactions-emoji reactions to facilitate collaboration. When added, you will see the emoji float up your screen keeping everyone engaged and attentive during the meeting! 


When you choose to leverage a meeting template in Fellow, it automatically connects with your calendar and shows up side-by-side in your meeting calls for the ultimate distraction free meeting experience. And if you don’t have the capacity to build out your own talking points, you can leverage Fellow’s AI agenda builder to add talking points to your sections in a matter of minutes. This town hall meeting template will change your meeting culture by setting an example of high-quality meetings across the organization, ensuring everyone is aligned with different teams, and ready to conquer every meeting. Unlock the potential of templates in Fellow, the all-in-one meeting management platform for fewer, smarter meetings. Use this template and Fellow’s 50+ integrations!

Town Hall Meetings FAQs

  1. How often are town hall meetings held? 

The frequency of town hall meetings can vary depending on the organization's culture, size, and priorities. Some organizations hold town hall meetings quarterly, semi-annually, or annually, while others may schedule them more frequently to address timely issues or developments. The key is to strike a balance that allows for regular communication and engagement without overwhelming employees with too many meetings.


  1. Who typically attends town hall meetings? 

Town hall meetings are open to all employees within the organization, regardless of their role or level. Senior leadership, department heads, and other key stakeholders may lead the meeting, while employees from all levels are encouraged to attend, participate, and contribute to the discussion.


  1. What topics are discussed during town hall meetings? 

The topics discussed in a town hall meeting can vary widely depending on the organization's priorities, current events, and employee interests. Common topics include company performance, strategic initiatives, upcoming changes or announcements, employee recognition, and opportunities for feedback or Q&A sessions.


  1. What role does feedback play during town hall meetings? 

Feedback plays a crucial role during town hall meetings as it provides an avenue for employees to share their perspectives, opinions, and suggestions directly with leadership or presenters. By offering feedback, employees can express their thoughts on organizational initiatives, ask questions, raise concerns, and offer insights into their experiences within the company. This feedback is invaluable for leadership in gaining a deeper understanding of employee sentiment, identifying areas for improvement, and making informed decisions that align with the needs and expectations of the workforce.


  1. How can you measure the effectiveness of a town hall meeting? 

Organizations may use various methods to evaluate the effectiveness of town hall meetings, such as surveys, feedback forms, or attendance rates. Key metrics may include employee satisfaction, perceived transparency of communication, and the extent to which goals and objectives were achieved during the meeting. Evaluating these metrics helps organizations refine their approach and enhance the impact of future town hall meetings.

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