Better understand your clients' needs and the value you can provide to them
What has changed since your last customer check-in? Review recent events and key metric updates to gain an up-to-date, accurate understanding of your client.
How has our team helped this client achieve their goals since their last customer check-in? How can we improve these factors?
Does the customer have any problems with our products or services? Identify all risks that may lead to customer disengagement or churn.
What specific goals does the client want to achieve before the next customer check-in? How can we help?
Are there opportunities to increase the value we provide this customer?
List all insights and actionables worth sharing with other departments.
In 1-2 sentences, summarize the current state of the customer so other team members can understand our relationship with them. Consider the information above, key metrics, and overall sentiment.
Customer relationship management is the engine that drives your business forward. Gain an unparalleled understanding of your clients' needs and the value you can provide them with our customer check-in template.
Increasing retention and strengthening customer relationships depend on how you conduct customer check-ins. This meeting note template is designed to distill valuable insights from every customer conversation through the following steps:
Our customer check-in template is ideal for teams of all sizes, from individual sales reps paying a visit to a client's office, to small startups getting their customer success team off the ground, to enterprises revamping their customer relationship management to be more robust.