Sales Meeting

With this sales team meeting agenda template, transform your weekly sales meetings into better insights

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General Review

Share updates on overall progress, key metrics, and anecdotes to give your team an up-to-date understanding of current initiatives.

Individual Reports

Let each team member provide a quick update of deal statuses, outreach progress, and other endeavors since the last sales meeting. Note any key information here.

Positive Highlights

Acknowledge big wins and milestones accomplished since the last meeting. What valuable lessons were learned?

Roadblocks & Concerns

Have any issues or challenges come up since the last team catch-up? How can we help solve them?

New Information

Cover any new information the team should be aware of. This includes company announcements, industry news, and any unforeseen developments.

Education & Resources

Are there any new metrics, trends, customer feedback, or market influences we should be aware of? Are there any resources that would help the team understand these concepts better?

Other Important Notes

Was any other valuable information shared? It does not have to be directly related to the meeting topic. Summarize these discussion points here.

Main Takeaways

What were the main insights from this sales meeting? Include key decisions made, progress reports, and any opportunities or issues that should be shared.

Take Action

What are the upcoming objectives for the entire team as well as each individual? Clarify next steps, who's completing them, and when they should be done by. Note this information here to share and assign.


How will we keep in touch and stay up-to-date about progress? Should we schedule another meeting?

How to use this template

Sales meetings are essential to the success of any business. But countless companies squander them, resulting in the loss of precious time and resources. Keep your team's eyes on the prize; help them be more productive and achieve unprecedented close rates with our sales meeting agenda template.

Tap into the true potential of your weekly sales catch-ups with this powerful sales meeting agenda. It allows you to optimize the value of these sales meetings through the following advantages:

  • Adaptability to fit the agenda needs of your sales process
  • Alignment to keep the sales team meeting short and finish early
  • Action to catalyze collaboration across the sales team

Flexible Sales Meeting Agenda Template

Versatility is a necessity for dealing with the ever-changing dynamics that are part and parcel of sales. We've structured this sales meeting agenda template to be flexible so you can easily tailor it to your agenda, whether that be for a weekly sales meeting, or if you meet with your reps less frequently. Delete anything you don't need from the example agenda, and customize what you do. Whether you want to focus on CRM usage, opportunities, and threats, or performance trends, you can customize this outline to efficiently capture new insights and decisions made.

There are more agenda topics in this sales meeting agenda format than you may want to use in any given sales meeting. The sections for sharing new information about the market/industry, and education and resources, won't be helpful to your salespeople if they bog every meeting down. From week to week, these parts of the free agenda template can often be skipped.

Sales Metrics Review

Effective sales teams don't skip the data / metrics review section of the weekly meeting though. You need to know whether or not the team is on track to hit the overall goal. If not, team members may need to rethink their strategy. Or, perhaps other departments can help. Is marketing doing everything they can to help pull in enough leads or arm reps with sales collateral? Don't just share key data points — use that data to help the sales team know whether the current strategy is going to lead to the desired outcome.

Pipeline Review

Every weekly sales meeting also involves some kind of pipeline review where you discuss what deals or opportunities each salesperson is working, where they are at, and try to assist as a group in figuring out the best next steps to bring that deal to close. Working as a sales team to progress through roadblocks and put up more wins can be a great way to motivate all your reps and keep everyone feeling positive about the time they're spending in this sales meeting. During pipeline review, don't just give updates. Have a discussion. Give feedback across the sales team. Share ideas, tips, and data on how to overcome objections and face down challenges in the sales process.

Share Your Agenda Template With The Sales Team

Once you've set your agenda in this sales meeting template, share it. This enables your entire team to be aligned on what's going to be discussed in the sales meeting, and for sales reps to add bullet points about deals they want to talk about or to fill in their numbers for recording and sharing. It also allows you to understand who should be present and who can concentrate on other endeavors. After the meeting, your team (even those not in the room) can use this template as a reference to get on the same page about current initiatives.

When the meeting is over and the insights have been shared, it's time for action. If you use this template in Hugo, you can link it to your CRM, like Salesforce or Hubspot, and create tasks out of any action items that you come up with in the meeting. With seamless integration capabilities, this sales team meeting template lets you cultivate quicker, more meaningful collaboration. Highlight any notes and transform them into actionable, assignable steps in your team's favorite workflow tools with only a few clicks.

Free Sample, Example Format Download

This detailed sales meeting agenda template highlights the important points to include in your weekly team meeting to guide the team. With this meeting note template, your sales team can say goodbye to pointless sales meetings and say hello to higher close rates.

Copy this sales meeting agenda template into Word or Google Docs, or add to your Fellow account.

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