How to have well-run team meetings with Trello's meeting style
Make sure everyone's here and ask for a volunteer scribe.
If anyone else has any questions about something relating to one of the other teams, now is your chance to ask. (2 min per update)
Ask whoever added the item to introduce it and lead that part of the conversation.
Choose a different team member to run each meeting. They're in charge of wrangling any last minute attendees (messaging them if they're not there), running the meeting, making sure everything on the cards is covered, keeping us all on topic, and tabling conversations for auxiliary/follow up meetings if they run long.
When you're running through the agenda items, if the topic's running long (everyone's time is being used for this), politely cut it off and suggest moving it out of the meeting. This helps your meetings to run on time.
Read more about Jessica's weekly team meetings here.