Sales Intro Call

Engage and educate prospects on your product

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Robert Canchola
Sales Executive


To engage and educate the prospect.  The objective is to get the prospect to want more information, demo, executive summary, and determine whether they are a good fit.


Research who are our customers in close proximity to them.  Know their contact names.


Fill in the answers below during the call:

  • How did they hear about us?
  • What solutions are they using currently?
  • What are their future plans?
  • Etc.

Product Pitch

Explain value of your product and establish credibility if the fit is right

Next Steps

Record next steps for us and the prospect then add to Salesforce

How to use this template

Engage and educate the prospect.  The objective of this agenda is to get the prospect to want more information, demo, executive summary, and determine whether they are a good fit.

Use this template from Robert Canchola at Clubspeed to level up your sales process.

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