Partnership Discovery

Finding great partnerships can be one of the hardest parts of business. Use this meeting notes template to streamline the process

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Potential Partner Information


Company Size:

Potential Partner Background

What problem does the potential partner solve for their clients? What are their past successes? What's their reputation?

Partnership Objectives

What do we want to achieve with this partnership? What does the other party want to achieve?

Opportunity / Potential Value

What is the opportunity for both of our organizations? What value do we provide each other? How do we help each other achieve our respective objectives?

Defining Success

How does each party define success? What are the steps required from each of us to accomplish this? What will be the criteria to measure success?


What is the timeline for this collaboration? When would each party have to deliver by?

Work & Communication Style

What is each party's ideal working relationship? What is the best way to contact each other?

Risks / Red Flags

Were any key factors identified that could block progress or prevent the partnership from being successful?


Do you believe this partnership is viable and should occur? What is the partner's level of interest?

Key Takeaways

What were the main insights from this partnership discovery meeting? Note and share them here.

Next Steps

Where to from here? Clarify and list all actionable steps for both parties, who's completing them, and when they should be done by. List all actionable steps here to share.

How to use this template

Establishing partnerships is one of the most rewarding aspects of business development. But it's also one of the most difficult; identifying ideal relationships can be tricky. Find the right fit with this adaptable partnership discovery template.

Each conversation you have with a prospective partner is critical in learning if you would work well together. Unfortunately, typical templates leave much to be desired. They are often too rigid and isolated. These flaws foster some of the main culprits for collaboration failure: misalignment, lost insights, and lack of actionable plans.

Our meeting note template takes the work out of the partnership discovery process with the following features:

  1. Flexibility
  2. Sharing
  3. Accountability

Every partnership is different in its advantages and objectives. With this customizable partnership discovery template, you can capture the unique nuances of each possible collaboration. Tailor it to clarify and capture the information you need to understand one another better.

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