Engage and re-focus your leaders with this business meeting agenda sample template
Track progress on metrics, goals vs. actual. Where are we off from the plan? Why?
Share key updates and provide a “State of the Union.”
Keep everyone up to date, look for efficiencies, and help each other get unblocked.
Recent wins
Current priorities
Anything you are stuck on?
Recent wins
Current priorities
Anything you are stuck on?
Improve your long-term business results through an interactive learning or team-building experience.
Chose one challenge or area of priority.
This agenda example is a variation on our other management meeting templates that is calibrated to a monthly level of focus (rather than weekly or quarterly).
As with all good management meetings, begin by reviewing your key metrics to set the stage for the discussion. Then proceed to share critical updates. Usually, here, the CEO or department leader will provide a “State of the Union” type of update that covers all of the big picture happenings within the company.
The roundtable that follows is an opportunity for each manager to give their own updates, providing more detail and context to themes that may have been discussed in the company update previously. This is also a chance to ask other managers for help in solving challenges or unblocking your work.