Prepare a plan of attack for your next team meeting and get to the meat of any design project in a half-day or full-day
Note any documents that need to be reviewed or activities that need to be completed before the workshop.
Focus on the customer’s actual experiences. Prioritize them in order of severity and choose one or two to focus on. Resist the desire to skip ahead to “fixing” until you have organized the problems you are going to solve.
It’s time to figure out how to solve the problem, design the flow, or develop the plan.
Brainstorming tips:
List your potential solutions in the following format --> Solution | Impact | Effort
Parking Lot
Store topics and ideas that are out of scope or beyond reach for this workshop.
Use this framework for a long-form design session where you and your team want to dig in deep on a specific issue. The meeting agenda follows a simple flow: preparation, brainstorming, prioritizing, "do we need to..." (sanity check), and logging next steps.
It's important during any of these parts of the agenda to also use the Parking Lot, which is at the end of the agenda. The Parking Lot is where you put good ideas or questions that are off-topic. You don't want to lose these precious ideas, but you don't want to be distracted by them either.