Best Google Calendar Add Ons to Keep You and Your Team Productive

With Google Calendar having so many apps and add ons to help enhance productivity, it’s no surprise that many org leaders continue to leverage its features and search for the best add ons and extensions to keep them and their teams productive. 

The Meetingnotes Team
April 15, 2024

With Google Calendar having so many apps and add ons to help enhance productivity, it’s no surprise that many org leaders continue to leverage its features and search for the best extensions to keep them and their teams productive. 

Productivity, however, can look like many different things, and thus not all Chrome extensions are made equally. Some are built for time management and focus, while others leverage AI and integrate with other productivity tools to make your workflow easier. Additionally, some extensions are built with solo use in mind, while others are more optimally used org-wide across teams. 

In this article, we’ll discuss:

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The 6 best add ons for Google Calendar

While many of them serve different functions in your workflow, each of these Chrome extensions have the power to boost productivity for you and your team.


Fellow is the all in one AI meeting management software that seamlessly integrates with your Google Calendar, to help you have fewer, shorter, more efficient meetings. 

Its Chrome extension allows you to have your meeting agenda side by side in your meeting calls so you and your team can focus on having great discussions. Fellow’s AI Meeting Copilot automatically records, transcribes, summarizes, and shares your Google Meet calls with other attendees, promoting productivity across your organization. 


This Chrome extension is ideal for leaders looking to improve efficiency and productivity for their team. Its Meeting Guidelines feature set is particularly helpful when meeting organizers go to book a meeting. Fellow prompts users to make smart meeting choices, like making meetings speedy, keeping attendees to the optimal number for effective decision making, ensuring recurring meetings have an end date, and more!


Timely is an event management software with a chrome extension that works directly with Eventbrite. It enables you to add and save calendar events into one public facing Timely account. 

This Chrome extension is ideal for users dealing with public events who are looking to manage, promote, and monetize those events. It has automated sharing functionality, as well as the ability to build calendars that are custom without needing design or coding skills.

Timely has both a free and premium pricing plan, with the free version offering a more basic and limited functionality compared to the premium version which gives you access to its entire range of features.

Toggl Track

Toggl Track is a time tracking Chrome extension, also known as a digital stopwatch, that facilitates managers in tracking billable versus non-billable hours. 

Toggl integrates with other productivity tools, and allows managers to track time spent on projects and manage productivity and profitability in one place. 

There are multiple options in terms of pricing, including free, premium, and enterprise, and they also offer a free 30 day trial.

Checker Plus

Checker Plus is a Chrome extension that allows you to view your calendar without having to leave your current tab to access the Google Calendar page, preventing the need to jump around or clutter your desktop. 

This Google Calendar add on allows you to easily select a day in the calendar that pops up automatically, and quickly add in an event. You can also rely on popups for event notifications and view a countdown of the minutes.

Workflowy to Google Calendar

Workflowy to Google Calendar is a bullet point centred note taking Chrome extension meant to help with idea organization and productivity. It allows you to turn bullet points into tasks, find those tasks with tags, and bookmark and highlight bullet points. 

Ideal for bullet journals, task ideation, and time blocking, Workflowy is an ideal tool for solo users who love to jot notes down. It offers a free and pro plan for you to choose from based on your workflow and storage capacity needs.


The Clockwise extension enables you to optimize schedules and insert more time into your workday. One notable feature includes transforming big time blocks into focus time that’s uninterrupted. 

You can set preferences for both focus time and meetings, and also set certain events as flexible to help the extension optimize more effectively.

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Benefits of using Google Calendar extensions 

Add ons for your Google Calendar can dramatically change the way you and your team go about your work days. Below are some benefits of implementing extensions into your team's daily workflow.

More efficient scheduling 

Manually having to schedule meetings in Google Calendar can be confusing and time consuming. Not to mention the fact that there’s a considerable amount of prep work that goes into meeting scheduling that all needs to be done the analog way if you’re not leveraging extensions. 

Using a Google Calendar add on like Fellow can help automate the process of meeting scheduling with time saving automations, and pre-meeting reminders, facilitating a more efficient workflow for everyone that uses it. 

Easier time tracking 

For most organizations, every minute counts, but time tracking can be challenging for leaders and teams who work out of their calendars. Using calendar add ons that have time tracking built in can help you and your organization be more efficient and productive in the long run. 

Better task management

For teams that are in back to back meetings, it’s very easy to lose track of action items and tasks if you aren’t leveraging the right software. This is especially true if those tasks and action items aren’t seamlessly integrated into your existing productivity stack. 

Fellow has action items that are automatically generated and assigned from your meeting recordings using AI. They integrate with over 50 productivity tools so nothing falls through the cracks and your team always knows who’s doing what by when. 

More productive meetings

Most busy leaders’ calendars are packed with meetings, and using calendar apps or extensions to automatically help make them more efficient is a huge productivity hack. 

Fellow’s chrome extension, for example, has Meeting Guidelines baked in to your Google calendar so you and your team are always prompted to make smart meeting choices. It even has analytics so you can see how your team is doing over specific periods of time.

A more integrated workflow 

Juggling multiple productivity apps and the subsequent windows and tabs they take up can be overwhelming for any busy leader. Using a Chrome Extension that syncs productivity tools with your organization's calendar will help ensure that your team's workflow is seamless and always easy to follow.

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Google Calendar Chrome extension FAQs

Now that you have the best Google Calendar add ons, here are some frequently asked questions about Chrome extensions for Google Calendar.

What are chrome extensions for Google Calendar?

Google Calendar chrome extensions are add ons that you can install in your Chrome browser that integrate or add on to or enhance your user experience specifically in your Google Calendar. They can vary between native extensions or third party extensions. 

How do I install a Google Chrome extension for my calendar?

You can find all Google Chrome extensions in the Chrome Webstore. You can then search for a specific chrome extension or browse the webstore by category. Next, select the extension you want to install and click the button that says “add to chrome.” A pop up will appear to confirm, and you can dismiss it by clicking “add extension.”

How can I remove an extension from my Google Calendar?

You can easily remove any extension from your Google Calendar by right clicking the icon for extensions in your chrome toolbar. Then click the three dots to the right of the extension you want to remove, and select the “remove from Chrome” option. 

An extension for my Google Calendar has stopped working; What should I do?

You can help fix any bugs your extensions might be having by either restarting Chrome or pressing the refresh button for your browser. If that doesn’t work, it might be helpful to check if your extension has any updates that need pushing in the Chrome Webstore. If you’re still having trouble, you can try re-installing the extension by removing it from Chrome and then re-adding it. If none of those solutions work, it’s best to contact the support team of the extension that has stopped working.

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Final thoughts

At the end of the day, leveraging Google Calendar extensions in your workflow and encouraging your team to use them can help boost productivity across your organization. Downloading a calendar add-on can lead to a more integrated workflow, more productive meetings, better task management, easier time tracking, and more efficient scheduling. 

If you’re looking for an all-in-one meeting management extension for your Google Calendar, look no further than Fellow. Fellow is designed with teams in mind to help you and your organization have fewer, shorter, better meetings by using AI, behavior driving features, and seamless integrations.

Don't let unproductive meetings slow you down

See the impact of fewer, shorter meetings, increased accountability, and enhanced productivity with Fellow.

Get started with Fellow todayGet started with Fellow today

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