15 Digital Marketing KPIs for Every Marketing Channel

Measure these metrics for content marketing, social, website activity, lead gen, and revenue.

The Meetingnotes Team
March 5, 2024

Digital marketing KPIs, or key performance indicators, are metrics that help reveal whether your marketing efforts are working well or falling flat. With so many digital platforms available for marketing, however, it can be hard to know which KPIs to track for each channel.

In this post, we’ll break down the top three KPIs for content marketing, social media, websites, lead generation, and revenue. These are 15 of the best digital marketing KPIs for your marketing channels.

Content Marketing KPIs

  1. Unique views

Not all content views are created equal. The unique views KPI tells you how many views came from new IP addresses that haven’t viewed your content before. This separates true viewers from crawlers, repeat visitors, and your own team to demonstrate whether your content is actually attracting new business.

  1. Time on page

Once your content marketing has attracted visitors, it’s important to know whether it’s engaging enough to keep them there. The time on page KPI will tell you how much time visitors spend looking at your content.

  1. Inbound links

Inbound links are the equivalent of a content marketing compliment. They occur when a different site links to content on your site, usually as a review or reference point for the creator’s content. These links increase your site’s credibility and even establish your brand as an authority, which helps both brand image and SEO.

Social Media KPIs

  1. Follower count

When it comes to social media digital marketing KPIs, the first place to look on any platform is the follower count. Without followers, there’s no one to see your social media content and engage with.

  1. Likes & shares

Of course, you can have all the followers in the world and still fail to engage. This is why likes, shares, and other interactions are the next critical social media marketing KPI. Not only do likes and shares demonstrate that audience members are willing to be associated with your messaging, they also boost your visibility thanks to social media algorithms.


User-generated content like comments is as good as gold in social media marketing. If you can get your followers commenting and engaging beyond clicking “like” and “share,” your social media strategy is working.


Website KPIs

  1. Interactions per visit

Thanks to technology, interactions per visit is a digital marketing KPI accessible through most business website tool providers. Digging a little deeper than time on page, this KPI measures which pages on your site people visited, what they did on those pages, and how they navigated from one page to the next.

  1. Bounce rate

The bounce rate is a KPI that you want to keep low. A bounce is when someone visits your website, but then quickly leaves it. This is usually a sign that your site did not have what they were looking for or wasn’t very user-friendly. A high bounce rate can also affect SEO, so keep an eye on it and adjust as needed to ensure your site meets visitor expectations.

  1. Mobile traffic

Mobile now accounts for about half of website visits worldwide. If your website isn’t mobile-friendly, your business could be missing out on a lot of customers. Check the session duration and bounce rate of mobile visitors to get an idea of whether viewers are sticking around.

Lead Gen KPIs

  1. Conversion rate

The ultimate digital marketing KPI, the conversion rate tends to get the most attention in lead generation. A poor conversion rate is almost always the first signal that something is wrong with a marketing campaign.

  1. Cost per lead

Different strategies result in different digital marketing outcomes. One way to vet all strategies on an even playing field is to use the cost per lead KPI. One channel or platform may put a bigger dent in the marketing budget, but if it results in more leads, the investment may be worth it. Calculating cost per lead helps determine whether that’s the case.

  1. Lead value

Different than the cost per lead or acquisition, lead value focuses on the value a lead brings to the business. Leads that aren’t a good fit aren’t worth much in the long run, while identifying methods that attract good leads can make all the difference.

Revenue KPIs

  1. ROI

If the cost per lead is lower than the lead value, congrats! That means you have achieved a positive ROI with your digital marketing efforts. At the end of the day, ROI is what marketers and business leaders are looking for, so this is a critical digital marketing KPI to track.

  1. Customer contribution

Once a lead has become a customer, their contribution to revenue becomes an important metric for ongoing business success. How much revenue does each customer generate? Are any customers actually unprofitable? Tracking customer contribution as a KPI can help identify good fit and bad fit customers and inform your marketing strategy.

  1. Gross profitability

When it comes to revenue, gross profitability is an essential metric. This takes into account spending from marketing and beyond and compares it to incoming revenue. The result is a KPI that provides insight into an organization’s ability to effectively balance costs, pricing, and product delivery.

Tracking the right metrics paints a clear picture of whether marketing efforts are working. Use these KPIs to demonstrate results at your next team meeting.

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