The Best Note Taking Apps of 2024 for Business Teams or Individual Journals

In this article we’ll list the “best of the best” note-taking apps of 2024. To that end, we won’t try to list every possible note taking app, like some articles that seem to aim for triple-digits. Those articles are designed for the beginning of a search. 

The Meetingnotes Team
April 15, 2024

In this article we’ll list the “best of the best” note-taking apps of 2024. To that end, we won’t try to list every possible note taking app, like some articles that seem to aim for triple-digits. Those articles are designed for the beginning of a search. 

Rather, we’ve done the heavy lifting for you. We’ll list those note-taking apps that everyone knows should truly be on your shortlist as you narrow your choices. 

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Two purposes for note-taking apps

Even so, we cast a wide net as to the purpose of note-taking apps. 

Some of those included in our “best of” list are designed specifically for business teams, in that they connect seamlessly to business functions that any team, company, or enterprise uses – meetings, calendars, tasks, accountabilities. We’re unabashed to say is the best on the business end of the spectrum. 

Others in this list are designed for individuals taking notes mostly alone. These apps provide a more free-form space in which even doodles and drawings are supported. Evernote (paid) or OneNote (free) are the best choices for that end of the spectrum.

Others fall somewhere in between these two poles, for example Nifty and Zoho. They try to do both well, which is difficult if not impossible. 

There’s a place for both kinds of note taking apps. 

If you’re a highly creative person who journals a lot (or when you’re in that mode as a team member or team leader, alone with your thoughts), then Evernote or OneNote is the most flexible, most inclusive choice. 

On the other hand, if you’re a highly-focused, goal- and task-oriented individual (or when you’re in that mode as an individual or as a leader of a team), then a more business-oriented note-taking app is the right choice. Hands down, that choice is Fellow. (We’ll explain why below.) 

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List of best note-taking apps

1. Fellow

Fellow is the only all-in-one AI meeting transcription and management software for remote and hybrid teams.With a wide range of top features tailored for modern businesses, Fellow streamlines the process of building collaborative agendas, sharing meeting notes, and tracking action items, whether your team is in-person or remote.

Fellow also offers a vast library of 500+ expert-approved templates to expedite your meeting preparations and ensure every meeting has a clear purpose. Integrated seamlessly with popular tools such as Google Chrome, Fellow brings your meeting notes and agendas directly inside the tools you already love!

Beyond meetings, Fellow is an excellent tool for promoting a culture of feedback and continuous improvement. Whether you are a team leader or a team member, Fellow is your must-have tool for transforming meetings from time-consuming and endless to strategic, actionable work sessions.


2. Nifty

Nifty is an all-in-one, powerful app that brings you functionality for chats, documents, tasks, calendars, and meeting tools. It offers users several highly sophisticated views including Kanban, Swimlane, and List views. 

Instead of switching from tool to tool, Nifty aims to allow you to keep it all in one view. That view can get a little cluttered sometimes, and you’ll want to make sure you and your team members are choosing what works best for you – Kanban works for some, but others prefer List, for example. 

Each project has its own collaboration thread and specified knowledge hub. An advantage (or too much, depending on your needs) is its built-in calendar. With a little setup, it can be synced with a standard calendar such as Google Calendar or Outlook. It also provides in-app document sharing and file sharing. 


3.  SimpleNote

SimpleNote allows you to take basic notes and to categorize them via tags. This system is of course now intuitive, after decades of blogging has made it second-nature. The advantages beyond thus user-friendliness are obvious: it’s simple to sort your notes into indexes which you can use to organize and find them later. 

It’s a great system for idea capture, especially for individuals. Although teams can accomplish some collaboration by adding each others’ email addresses as “tags”. This causes the note to appear in their collection. It can be set to editable or to view only. 

For taking general notes and making on-the-fly to do lists, SimpleNote is fast and easy. It also syncs across all your devices with no extra cost involved – it’s free. 

Drawbacks to Simplenote are connected to its very simplicity. It has very limited customizability, and cannot easily support images, photos, drawings, etc. 


4. Zoho Notebook

Zoho Notebook’s most remarkable feature has been its scan to text capability. As an in-app feature, that’s pretty awesome in the right circumstances. 

It allows you to capture ideas, notes, intentions, and simple to do lists, save them in the cloud, and  organize real-time collaboration. It has the capability to record audio notes, and include images, as well as text notes of course, and files, checklists, sketches, and even a “Smart” mode which tries to classify your notes into their proper categories. (However, it doesn’t have any image editing capability.) 

It syncs across all your devices and integrates with a few apps natively, most notably with Slack. (Most of its native integrations are with other apps in its Zoho family, but it does work with Google Workspace, and Microsoft Teams – plus, as with any app that can integrate via Zapier, Zapier connects it with the more than 1,000 apps in its library.) 

Zoho Notebook

5. Evernote

Evernote is a classic note taking app solution for the creative individual working alone, or for anyone who is in the mode of working alone. 

That’s not to say that it’s isolating. You can do some collaboration with it. But it’s a very free form app, that’s designed to accommodate creative, individual thinking, and not very focused on enabling collaboration, integration with business calendars, or task tracking. 

It’s among the most capable note-taking options, as it can accept notes in virtually any form. These include text, images, PDFs, audio notes, and even nowadays Slack notes, emails, entire web pages and websites, and more. It’s truly a massive magic basket to accept virtually anything you want to save.


Evernote’s global search capability, a feature in paid subscriptions only,  includes even searching within PDFs. More powerfully, under the right circumstances it can search images that have text clear enough for Evernote to discern and make searchable. This could include signs, pages from books, recipes, food labels, menus, specifications sheets, and so on. (If your handwriting is good enough, it can even search within handwritten notes. But that’s likely just a toy for most users, unless you have reams of old very-neatly-handwritten journals, since you can probably type faster than you can handwrite notes. 


6. Microsoft OneNote

If the paid version of Evernote is just too much for you to justify for a note taking app on principle, Microsoft OneNote is a better free option. It has two clear advantages over many other options. First, it’s free. Second, it’s part of the Microsoft Office Suite. 

You can grab OneNote in the right version for your system or device via appropriate links at or from the app download service you use, whether for Apple or for Android. That’s the free way. And you can also obtain OneNote as a component of a Microsoft 365 subscription, if you’re already subscribed to Microsoft 365. (It’s unlikely anyone would subscribe to Microsoft 365 primarily to get their hands on the somewhat better paid version.) 

As with Evernote or Dropbox Paper, OneNote allows the storage of text notes and of images in flexible documents that you can share with others to view or to collaborate on. OneNote has a robust search capability, tags, annotations, highlighting, and more. 

A quality that many like is that OneNote note-taking is modeled “real world” paper notebooks. Each note is like the page of a notebook. You can draw on it anywhere, type on it anywhere, add images anywhere. You can combine a number of pages into a section, just like in a ring-bound notebook. And sections are contained within, you guessed it, a digital model of a ring bound notebook. You can of course have multiple notebooks. 

Microsoft OneNote Digital Note Taking App | Microsoft 365


Although we frontloaded the conclusion, it’s worth repeating after you’ve digested all that information about the two different kinds of note taking apps, and seen examples of some on the business end, some on the “journaling” end, and some that try to satisfy both needs. 

The best note taking app for business teams? Fellow There’s really no competition for such a focused, functionally designed app for that. 

The best note taking app for creatives? Or for individuals in creative mode? Evernote (the paid version) or OneNote (if you want to go with a free app). 

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