Management Behaviors That Empower Your Team to Achieve Better Results

Learn the 4 essential management behaviors, and how they will help propel your team to success.

The Meetingnotes Team
December 15, 2021

Although anyone can be assigned a management role, it takes a lot more than a job title to be an effective leader. 

So, suppose you’re looking to help your team reach their professional goals, improve goal setting, and increase your team’s motivation. In that case, adopting certain management behaviors is a fantastic place to start.

In this article, we’ll be going over new skills that you can bring in as a manager to support your employees in their endeavors. From improving how you handle one on ones to developing critical skills in your manager portfolio, we’ll touch on the following:

  1. 4 Essential Management Behaviors
  2. How Managers Help Their Team Succeed
  3. Final Thoughts

Let's jump right into it.

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What are 4 Good Management Behaviors?

There are certain behaviors and skills that you can incorporate into your daily way of working to be a more effective manager. From helping your team be more productive to boosting the company output, these will help you build towards the bigger picture you’ve always wanted.

You should try and incorporate the following four behaviors into how you work:

  1. Planning becomes second nature
  2. Build relationships
  3. Start Delegations
  4. Motivate People

Let’s take a look at these in more detail.

Planning and goal setting

Whether it be short-term goals or setting goals that won’t be achieved till next year, you should have a firm grip on how to plan and carry out projects. Planning doesn’t only involve writing down which projects will be worked on. On the contrary, planning is a multifaceted process that extends beyond these early stages.

When looking to create a strong plan, you should identify the primary goal of the endeavor, the expertise needed to get it done, and a way of measuring progress as the task continues. This three-step approach will allow you to manage your resources, helping accomplish plans with ease.

If the teams you manage are particularly large, it can help to break down the project as much as possible. Not only does this make a plan easier to follow, but it provides a more straightforward mechanism to reach goals along the way.

Building Team Member to Manager Relationships

The 2016 Employee Job Satisfaction and Employee Report found that 77% of employees believe that their workplace connections are a priority for a happy work life. These connections also span from managers to the rest of the team, with the best managers striking up a good working relationship with those around them.

When you arrive in a new management position, spend time every week getting to know the people around you. One way of doing this is to organize weekly one on ones that you can use to become familiar with your employees. Knowing your employees helps keep communication lines open.

Not only do these one-on-one meetings help you build a positive working relationship with your team, but it also provides time for you to help problem solve any issues the employee is facing. When your employees feel more comfortable with you, they’ll be more productive and help achieve work goals.

If you’ve never run a one-on-one meeting before, check out this selection of handy one-on-one meeting agenda templates by Hugo. You can use or take direct inspiration from a whole range of different types of meeting templates.


Strong Delegation Skills

Delegation is a skill of critical importance for managers to use. Quite simply, delegation is the act of setting certain people on specific tasks within a project.

When done well, you’ll ensure that the right people are on the right tasks, speeding up your projects and ensuring that everything stays on track. One of the easiest ways to ensure that your workplace goals are hit is by delegating well and aligning projects with similar employee goals.

The skill of delegation comes back to knowing who is on your team. This is why the act of building relationships is vital, allowing you to understand what sort of jobs your employees like or don’t like.

If you’re more familiar with your employees, already being familiar with their professional goals, you’ll be able to assign them to tasks that act as growth opportunities for them. They’ll be able to work on new projects, bringing fresh insight and providing possible solutions to their specific task. 

Great delegation doesn’t only facilitate your company meeting its goals, but it’ll also make your employees have a more enjoyable experience at work, giving them an opportunity for personal growth in the professional sphere.


Find people’s personal goals and then motivate them

When problems arise, it’s easy for employees to lose steam and for morale to fall. In these moments where something isn’t quite going to plan, a manager’s ability to help their team find motivation is essential.

By having that workplace relationship between your employees and management, you’ll better understand what motivates certain people. Whether it be praise through good news, ongoing feedback, or additional training, everyone has a different way they find their motivation.

Once you’ve established a relationship with your employees, you’ll be in a position to ask them to identify exactly what motivates them. Once you know this, you must motivate your team as much as possible.

While one side of the manager spectrum is about setting goals, the other is about helping your team succeed, managing expectations, and ensuring that you’re always on track.
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How Does a Manager Help Team Members Succeed?

Managers lead their employees to success through three key elements. Each of these helps the employee, be that through employee development or within their career goals, while also working towards achieving goals that the company has set out.

Managers will help their employees achieve their goals in the following ways:

  • Create Spaces for open conversation
  • Provide resources and training
  • Show empathy

Let’s break these down further.

1. Creating Spaces for Open Conversations

Clear and open lines of communication across your employees will allow everyone to be on the same page, clarify expectations within a project, and get ongoing feedback about their progress. By creating spaces, such as weekly or even daily morning meetings, where your employees can come together to discuss the current job at hand, you’ll open these lines of connection.

If your organization has open communication, your employees will find it easier to get support and feedback, ask for other people’s opinions on their current projects, and find new perspectives. Instead of battling against a problem alone, your employees will be able to use these meetings to talk to others and get a sense of what else they could try.

As a manager, it’s your responsibility to develop spaces where your teams can interchange ideas and feedback.

2Provide Resources

Without the right tools, no matter the quality of the teams you’re working with, your employees will find it difficult to achieve what’s required of them. If you’ve set specific company objectives and you’re looking to achieve your goals, then you need to make sure the team behind you knows what they’re doing.

Scheduling training days for your teams can be a great way of teaching new tools quickly. It’s your job as a manager to assess the knowledge of your various teams, then decide if people require anything new. These educational opportunities can come as a relief for your team, providing a way to more easily manage their workload and progress in their field.

If you want your team to develop, you have to give them the correct tools to build towards that success.

3. Show Empathy

While management behaviors may seem all about goal setting, reaching company goals, and ensuring that every team member is on track with their own career goals, sometimes it’s about taking a step back to appreciate the work your team is putting in.

On the road to progress, everyone has a moment of becoming overwhelmed or exhausted with what they’re doing. Although you can motivate people, sometimes the best thing for them is for you to acknowledge their efforts. A simple “I appreciate the work you’re putting in” when an employee is having a bad day can go an awful long way.

While reaching career goals is great, doing so with unhappy employees is miserable. Make sure you empathize with your team and ensure they know you’re appreciative of them.
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Final Thoughts on Great Management Behaviors 

Being a good manager is much more than just going through the motions to create goals for your team. You should actively incorporate these habits, skills, and tendencies into your work schedule. While focusing on company goals is essential, these management skills will ensure that you’re a good manager to your team, helping them along the road to success.

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