Daily Meetings: 5 Reasons To Stand Up and Scrum Every Day

The daily stand-up meeting isn't for everyone, but it can be an effective way to build transparency and teamwork

The Meetingnotes Team
March 26, 2024

Meetings are an important part of any company. They allow for discussion, problem-solving, and decision-making to take place in a concentrated span of time.

But do you need daily meetings with your team? That's a lot of time to spend in team meetings.

Often held at the very beginning of the day or the very end, these daily stand-up meetings (sometimes called scrum meetings) are usually quick check-ins on what everyone did, is doing, and will do so soon. You also share whether you are blocked, so that everyone on your team knows if they need to step in and help.

But no matter the situation, daily meetings could be seen as an inefficient use of time. So why do so many companies put daily meetings to use?

Benefits of Having Daily Meetings

1. Share Perspectives Quickly

Another reason that many companies use daily meetings is because they allow members  to share ideas. For example, if you have a certain teammate who is very good with designing things from different perspectives, you want to make sure their ideas are brought up in the meeting as soon as possible. Or if a certain person seems to know a lot about a certain issue or problem, you might want to get their perspective on it.

2. Find The Best Answer

In daily meetings, you can hash out ideas together and find the best solution. But this should not be the only way of doing things. You also should make sure that your team members can work on their ideas by themselves without other people telling them what to do. In this way, you will avoid having bureaucratic or inefficient workers, while maintaining a living space for creativity and outside-the-box thinking.

3. Keep Everyone In Sync With Current Issues

If you want to successfully run your team, you need to keep everyone in sync with current issues, projects, and problems. For teams that move incredibly fast (such as agile development teams), daily scrum meetings can help everyone keep a handle on what is going on.

Why stand up during a meeting?
We stay on our feet because this meeting is supposed to be brief—a literal huddle—to get aligned before the action of the day.

If you start to shift uncomfortably on your feet, you've been meeting for too long.

4. Create Accountability

Daily meetings can help you get through the tasks that need to be done. This means that everyone is accountable for their tasks and that everyone is held accountable for their actions and work.

5. Transparency Builds Teamwork

By making sure that everyone knows what everyone else is doing, you can build a strong team. It’s a little easier to do this in a small company where people are always interacting with each other because it’s physically present. But even in larger companies with multiple floors or buildings spread over many miles, there are ways of staying connected with the team you work on. You can build trust by sharing your ideas with the team and communicating frequently in and out of meetings too.

The Bottom Line

Daily meetings aren't necessarily recommended for everyone, but they can help a lot of companies stay engaged and on top of things. You can use them as a way to create a good work environment with a high level of trust and teamwork, provided the meetings are short and sweet, and everyone shows up knowing what they're going to say.

If you do use daily meetings, make sure team members still feel empowered and autonomous despite the frequent check-ins. The daily meeting isn't meant to police a team, rather to help it come together and work more effectively as a unit. This will not only increase productivity but also keep team members from getting frustrated or stressed.

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