Steal These 90 Best Sales Email Subject Lines

We're going to keep this article short and sweet, like a good email subject line.

The Meetingnotes Team
December 6, 2023

The key to a successful sales email is the subject line.

The result of a successful sales email is a conversation started, a booked sales meeting, or maybe even a closed sale.

Subject lines can be the difference between someone opening your email or deleting it without a second thought.

The perfect sales email subject line will make them want to keep reading, show them that you know their interests, and give them an idea of what they're about to read.

A great subject line will not only get opens, it will get replies and help you book more sales meetings.

Something about your industry, your value prop, your challenge, the pain point you solve — all of these topics may make for more effective subject lines than the email subject line examples below.

But rather than being ultra-specific to what you do, there's another style of subject line that relies on mystery and curiosity to get opens. It focuses on the emotional center of the brain to entice the recipient. That's what we're focusing on here.

These subject lines look a lot more like the subject line a friend or co-worker might use.

For this email subject line style to work though, you have to follow up the email subject line with a strong email that has a quick explanation and a great offer. What good is an email open if you don't execute and get that reply or book that meeting?

Get Inspired: Sales Email Subject Line Examples

If this style of subject line appeals to you, here are some examples of the best sales email subject lines for you to use as inspiration:

  • Quick question
  • I found the perfect gift for you
  • How can we help?
  • We're all looking forward to hearing from you
  • We're excited to hear more about this!
  • We love this idea! It's perfect for our business.
  • I've been meaning to get in touch with you about…
  • This is a fantastic idea! What do you think?
  • I'd love to get your thoughts on…
  • Could you help me out?
  • We should speak soon…
  • Hey, how's it going? I have a quick question for you...
  • Please ignore this email, I'm just seeing if this works...
  • Do you have a minute? I need your help with something.
  • We're sorry. We made a mistake. Can we start over?
  • We're sorry for the confusion! Here's what happened...
  • We messed up. Here's what happened…
  • We need your help!
  • Please focus on this instead.
  • I'm going to be honest with you, right now…
  • I need some feedback from you...
  • I'm going to tell you something that you might not want to hear…
  • I need some advice from you on this…
  • I have a question for you because I'm concerned about what's happening…
  • There's no way that this isn't a huge mistake. Here's what happened…
  • If we don't fix this now, word is going to get out and we'll all be feeling really bad...
  • Please keep this confidential. We can discuss it more when the time comes...
  • We're having a big problem and we need your help, right now...
  • I need your help with this!
  • I've been putting off this conversation for a while now, but it's time…
  • We're going to be hearing from someone, so I wanted to let you know…
  • Do you have a minute? I'd really appreciate your help...
  • We're having a problem and I think you have the answer…
  • We'd like to ask you about a topic that may not be relevant to your position...
  • It's been a while since we've talked and I wanted to catch up...
  • I hope that you have time to discuss this with me...
  • We're thrilled about this idea, but we need some help with the logistics…
  • Making sure this goes well is important
  • Is that something you'd be interested in?...
  • We're really excited about this…
  • We've been wanting to reach out to you for a while. Are you available?...
  • I have a question/request/suggestion for you...
  • I'd love to get your input on this matter...
  • We need your help with something we're working on…
  • It's time that we have an honest conversation. You might not like what I have to say...
  • You should know that...
  • I want to be completely honest with you, so I will…
  • We're making some changes and wanted to touch base with you about this issue…
  • It's time that we had a frank conversation.
  • This isn't going to be easy, but it's time that we have a conversation about…
  • Let's chat about this when you have a minute…
  • What do you think?
  • How do you feel about this?
  • What are your thoughts on this?
  • What do you think of this idea?...
  • You might be wondering…
  • I'm going to tell you something, and I want you to really consider it.
  • I want to get your input on this...
  • If you could give us your honest thoughts...
  • I wanted to find out from you, like an expert…
  • Can we talk about this for a second?...
  • I've always wondered…
  • I was wondering if you would be willing to...
  • Do you know where we can schedule this?...
  • Can we set this up?...
  • Do you have any questions?...
  • Are you OK with this?...
  • Do you have any thoughts on this?...
  • The team and I were just reviewing...
  • What did you think of the presentation?...
  • What can we do to make this better?...
  • Is there anything else that you want to know about this?…
  • Would it be easier if we scheduled a time to discuss this offline...
  • Is there anything else that we can work on together?...
  • How does this sound?...
  • I was wondering, should we…
  • I have a quick question about this.…
  • You might be interested in hearing this.…
  • This is for you.…
  • You're going to love this.…
  • We need your input.…
  • We're missing something here, it's very important.…
  • Let me know if you have any questions about this...
  • I'd like to make this happen.…
  • Would you be interested in being a part of this?...
  • Can you follow up with us on this?...
  • Do you have any thoughts about how we could improve our service?...
  • Here's the thing.…
  • Are you ready for this?...
  • Thank you for your time.

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